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Welcome to Takashima City

Takashima City of Shiga Prefecture is located in the northwestern part of Lake Biwa and is a treasure house of rich nature embracing woods, forests and the lake, producing about 1/3 of water flowing into Lake Biwa.

Takashima City has been long prospering as the key junction of transportation connecting old capitals of Kyoto/Nara and Hokuriku Area. Regarding land transportation in particular, thanks mainly to Nishi-Ohmi Highroad running along the lakeside at the foot of Hiei/Hira Mountains and Wakasa Highroad called as Saba (chub mackerel) Highroad for the fact that it used to be a highroad for transporting salted saba, Takashima City has been prosperous as a post town and a lodging town which is the hub of lake transportation for those heading to these highroads and Ohtsu Area.

3 waterfront sceneries have been selected as important cultural sceneries and 15 different places as the best 100 spots in Japan. In 2015, "Lake Biwa and Its Waterfront Sceneries" was certified as a Japanese heritage. Additionally, in the city, 3 places were selected as cultural sceneries and Shirahige Shrine and Shikobuchi Religion as constitutional heritages

Takashima City of Shiga
Welcome to Takashima City

Let's fully enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring,
lake bathing at the beach with pine forests in summer,
chestnuts picking and leaf peeping in fall,
and winter sports in winter!

A city blessed with colorful four seasons and natures 「Takashima」 A city blessed with colorful four seasons and natures 「Takashima」

A city blessed with colorful
four seasons and natures

The city of fermented foods taking advantage of its climates 「Takashima」 The city of fermented foods taking advantage of its climates 「Takashima」 The city of fermented foods taking advantage of its climates 「Takashima」
The city of fermented foods taking advantage of its climates 「Takashima」

The city of fermented foods
taking advantage of its climates

The city blessed with long-standing tradition and the connection among people「たかしま」

The city blessed with long-standing
tradition and the connection among people

Please come to such "Takashima"
as enjoyable to anyone
- a vast sightseeing area moderately far
and close from your place.